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Clinic om jordarbejde og forberedelse til tilridning af ungheste

14. februar 2020 @ 18:00 - 20:00

Skeifa indbyder til nogle spændende timer med træner/underviser/stævnerytter Mummi
(Gudmundur M Skúlason).

Fredag d. 14. februar kl. 18. afholder Mummi Clinic omkr. jordarbejde og forberedelse til tilridning
af ungheste. Der vil i løbet af ca. 2 timer blive arbejdet med 3 forskellige heste – en plag, en rå unghest og en
ældre ridehest, så forskellene i måden at arbejde på og kravene til den enkelte hest bliver

Mummi forstår dansk, men taler helst engelsk eller islandsk. Så clinic’en vil foregå på et let
forståeligt engelsk.


Hvis du har lyst til at tilbringe et par spændende timer i hyggeligt selskab, så tilmeld dig senest 1.
februar. Tilmeld dig her via sporti.
Pris inkl. kaffe og kage 150,00 kr.
Kom frisk – vi skal være min. 15 for at gennemføre.
Medbring gerne stol og kop. – Husk det varme tøj, der kan være rigtig koldt i hallen.

Det hele kommer til at foregå i ridehus hos Rikke Teinholt, Mullerupvej 4, Kværndrup.
Vi starter kl 18.

About Mummi (Gudmundur M Skúlason)

Guðmundur is a licensed riding instructor, graduated from Hólar University College in Iceland and a member of the Trainers Association of Iceland (FT). 
He has worked as a trainer with his parents in Hallkelsstaðahlíð in West Iceland for the past ten years where they run a training facility, training horses for themselves and others as well as handling and training sales horses. 
There are around one hundred horses in Hallkelsstaðahlíð that have been bred and raised there. The aim is to breed well tempered horses that are easy to train and handle, talented horses that anyone can enjoy. Around 10-12 foals are born every year whose parents are the farms best breeding mares and which ever stallions the family deems suitable in order to reach their breeding goal.
Guðmundur has worked as a riding instructor, both in Iceland and abroad. He has traveled abroad to give weekend courses and longer sessions where he can stay at a farm or a stable to train horses and instruct their owners on how to advance their training and succeed. 
Guðmundur has also been very active in competition and won several prizes in various disciplines of equine sports in Iceland.
He places emphasis on professional training methods where the horse willingly cooperates in a soft and sensible manner. Flexibilty, softness and harmony between horse and rider are the goals. 


14. februar 2020
18:00 - 20:00